Profile: JoshWitcher760
Joshua Witcher was first introduced to the world of CCGs with YuGiOh when he was around 6 or 7, though after a few years the interest fell off for quite some time. When he just started college, he discovered the world of the Witcher 3, which had originally drawn his interest because of his last name. Immediately after playing the game, he was smitten with every aspect of it and its world. It was only a matter of time before his interest in CCGs was piqued by Gwent. In 2019 he launched the game for the very first time and has been playing consistently ever since. Josh has also started on a degree in Journalism and Promotional Communication, which he hopes to finish in 2023.
Latest Articles
Gravekper's Arena Guide Part Two: Leaders
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Gravekper's Guide to Arena Part One: Cards
By Gravekper, July 24, 2020
In this article, Gravekper introduces the first part of his new guide to arena. He goes over some cards and strategies in this part, explaining in…
Interview with Gwent Open #3 Qualifiers Wlastelin and…
By JoshWitcher760, June 16, 2020
Damorquis catches up with the two most recent qualifiers to Gwent Open #3 (Wlastelin and Kams134) to learn more about the players themselves and…
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