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By Luis, August 27, 2020

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Welcome to the twelfth Aretuza report. This report covers decks for week 4 of the Journey, end of season reminders, and an interview with Gulox2. 

Aretuza Report # 12


Journey Quests - Week 4

The fourth week's Journey quests require players to do the following: 

  • Play 10 artifact cards (Regular)
  • Play 5 cards with the trap category (Premium)
  • Add armor 10 times (Regular)
  • Play 3 seasonal matches (Premium)
  • Win 1 match (Regular)
  • Spawn 15 units (Premium)

Here are suggested decks for these quests:

Credits to TheaBeasty for the Scoia'tael and Monsters decks. Be sure to check out her videos on these decks in the latter part of this report.

Pro Rank Cutoffs

Here are the key cutoffs for Pro Rank as of August 27 at 5:36 PM CEST

Top 16 10,313
Top 64 10,139
Top 500 9,877


Wild Hunt Online

The Wild Hunt tournament series by 983 Media is back, this time in an online format. For complete details, click here. Be sure to join their Discord server for the latest updates. 

Team Aretuza

Stream Schedule

Here is the stream schedule of Team Aretuza’s Pro and Stream Team for the week of August 24 to August 31.

Name Social Schedule (All times are in CEST)
Ceely Twitch , Twitter Tuesday to Friday at 5pm
Sunday at 5 pm
Crozyr Twitch , Twitter Monday at 4pm
Thursday to Sunday at 4:30pm
Lionhart Twitch , Twitter Weekdays at 11am. 
Redrame Twitch , Twitter Daily from 2am to 7am
Shaggy Twitch , Twitter Weekdays at 8pm
Shinmiri Twitch , Twitter

Weekdays at 6:30pm

TheaBeasty Twitch , Twitter

Monday at 4pm

Wednesday and Saturday at 6pm

Gwent Open # 3

Best of luck to Team Aretuza's Shaggy in the Gwent Open # 3 this weekend. 


Watch TheaBeasty's deck guides for this week's Journey quests. 






We are currently seeking a video editor who will be closely working with us in producing content for both Gwent and Legends of Runeterra. 

Manager Spotlight: Gulox2

Brandon "Gulox2" Parker

Hi Gulo. Thanks for allowing us to have this interview with you. How are you and what have you been up to in Gwent so far?

No problem, thanks for having me. I’m doing well; busy, but well! Stepping into a management role for Aretuza has opened up many more opportunities, but also many more tasks to complete.

As for Gwent, I’m working on completing all Skellige ability masteries. I’m currently 8 Ursine Ritual (or as I call it, Bear Prayers) wins away from having this done. After that, the tentative plan is to see how high I can get a Pirates and Ships deck on the ladder, but we will see how that goes after the new ability reworks show up.

Could you please tell us something about your new role as the External Communications and Content Manager?

My role is really one to make sure that Aretuza is seen as a reputable, knowledgeable, and trusted resource when it comes to Gwent and Legends of Runeterra. To do this, it involves looking at a wide variety of things when it comes to communication (social media, Discord servers, etc.) and content (articles, videos, other media). Plainly put, I’m here to make sure everything looks good when it’s sent on its way to the public.

Who are you most excited to work with from the team? 

Who am I not excited to work with? That’s the better question. I think everyone on the team has the ability to provide wonderful content and interaction with the public, so I’m sure to be talking to and working with everyone on the team.

What projects are you excited to start and/or bring back? 

I’d really like to work with our amazing graphic designers, Ann and Elis, on art and lore related content (I haven’t told them about this yet :D ). Both of our games have such wonderful art and deep lore, it would be fun to look at those things some more. I think Ann and Elis would be the perfect people to talk to about this, so I should probably talk to them about it, shouldn’t I?

Team Aretuza has been mostly involved in Gwent. How will you, as one of the new managers, start working on LOR.

We have a great pool of LoR talent on the team, so I’m hoping I can be a great resource to ensure the content coming out is what we want to showcase. While I may not be able to create a high-tier LoR deck myself, I can certainly help make sure the presentation of that deck is high-tier. This is what I hope to provide for LoR. 

You were also a manager back in Team Rankstar. What are the differences and similarities from your previous team and now in Team Aretuza. 

In many ways, it is similar. You find those interested in content, and you help them make that a reality. That’s consistent wherever you go. Here at Aretuza, we have many more routes being offered to get that done, be it through ideas and execution. This really excites me, and I look forward to seeing what we can do.

The Gwent community knows you for being the self-appointed king of Skellige. Could you please tell us how this started?

When playing Witcher 3, I was always drawn to the mysticism of Skellige. There’s mystery in the woods, there’s mystery in the waters, there’s mystery in the fog. So when it came to Gwent, it was an easy choice as to what faction I would play (also, Cerys is cool). The other factions didn’t grab me the same way. 

So I played Skellige. And continued to play Skellige, all throughout both betas and Homecoming. Once I realized, somewhat early on, that I was playing Skellige way more than anyone else really did, it only made sense to crown myself as the King of the Isles. 7,150 Skellige wins later, no one has ever denied me this claim or challenged me for my crown. I’m happy to be a representative for the fairest part of the Continent, and the best faction in Gwent. It’s my spiritual home, and the faction I proudly represent. 

What’s your favorite SK leader ability?

Which day of the week is it, it might have changed. But I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Onslaught, which was the first ability I latched onto in Homecoming, and helped me realize one of my few great Gwent Ideas (Onslaught + Wild Boar). What a fun deck to play at the start of Homecoming. 

Blaze of Glory has also been a recent favorite of mine; it’s been a pleasure spelunking with the ability with Johaggis, way before the recent upsurge in its use. Both leaders also call to my desire to just destroy every card on the opponent’s side of the board as well. 

What’s your favorite SK card?

Art-wise: Heymaey Herbalist (Herkja Drummond a close second)

Voiceline-wise: Boatbuilders (shout out to Shaggy, the best Boatbuilder around)

Ability-wise: Artis, just crazy fun when it works and you’ve built well around it

Spirit animal-wise: Gremist, we are the same person

All-around-wise: Holger Blackhand, because DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMUN!

Honorable Mention in general: beta Drummond Queensguard

Tell us your thoughts on SK’s current status in the meta right now after several changes.

Skellige is in an interesting spot for me personally: it seems quite strong, but not in the way I would generally enjoy playing it. As I stated before, I like getting rid of the opponent’s cards. While you can do this a little with what’s going around with Skellige now, I want more. Pirates raid and plunder, they take it all. The more destruction by Skellige, the better. 

Overall, I think the faction itself is in a good spot, meta-wise, but not in a spot where I enjoy it in the meta. But I’m just one player, of course. 

Do you have any message to the Gwent community? 

To the Gwent and LoR communities, have fun out there, play what you enjoy, and don’t let the losses get you down. It’s a game, right? Play it for fun and the time spent with others that enjoy playing the same game as you. Wins are great, but good times are better. I’m an old man with life experience and stuff, so you can believe me on that. 

The season ends in a few days. This is your last chance to make that final ladder push and finish those seasonal trees. Good luck!




Luis has been a gamer for most of his life. His first console was a Playstation 1 which he got at age 7. A few years later, he acquired a Gameboy Advance that became his gateway to the Pokemon series. He spent multiple hours playing through the Kanto and Hoenn Region with his friends. In 2011, he started playing Dota 1 and was his entry to the MOBA genre of games. Shortly after, he started playing League of Legends which he played from 2012 to 2017. Towards the end of the year 2017, he bought a Playstation 4 and played Destiny 2 and a few single player games on the side such as God of War, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, and Witcher 3 which he enjoyed the most. His first exposure to Gwent was back in Witcher 3. He realized that he was spending most of his time playing Gwent and collecting all the cards instead of doing side quests and story quests. Fast forward to 2019, he found out that Gwent, the standalone game, would be released on iOS. On the release day itself last October, he immediately downloaded the game and chose Northern Realms as his first faction since this is the faction he played the most back in Witcher 3 Gwent.