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By Green Cricket, April 16, 2019

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The Bran Value deck is probably one of the most popular decks in the meta, but there is an another underestimated archetype: Control Bran!

Thanks to his consistency, he is not only able to destroy everything the enemy puts onto the board, but also to generate a ton of tempo thanks to the Discard package and the higher average provision / card output.

Gwent Deck Guide - Ultra Control Bran


Green Cricket

Green Cricket Green Cricket is Aretuza Member

Green Cricket is one of the heads of Aretuza, creating an environment where players and content creators can thrive and continuously improve themselves. In addition to his work at Aretuza, he runs a Gwent YouTube channel for beginners and advanced players alike. He teaches how to become better at Gwent and offers one in-depth Gwent guide each week as inspiration.

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