Challenger #5
By SwanDive, September 15, 2019
We are incredibly proud of Adzikov, Damorquis and Kolemoen and their performances at GWENT Challenger this weekend. Thank you to all Team Aretuza…
Jordenjorden joins Team Aretuza!
By SwanDive, September 3, 2019
Continuing our expansion into Dota Underlords, Team Aretuza can today announce the addition of another top-tier Lord of White Spire to our pro player…
NinjaNinjaNinja and SL1Ckz join Team Aretuza!
By SwanDive, August 24, 2019
Aretuza is proud to present our two newest members NinjaNinjaNinja and SL1Ckz! Both players have had great success with Dota Underlords and are…
Update: Meta Snapshot #10
By SwanDive, August 17, 2019
We've just updated our Meta Snapshot with 5 new decks! You can find our Snapshot here. Make sure to check out our Changelog for more details on this…
Aretuza Open Cup
By SwanDive, August 12, 2019
The Aretuza Open Cup has concluded and we would like to congratulate InNomineSatanas on their victory, and for securing a place in the European Gwent…
Deck Spotlight: Gwent's 3.1 Patch
By SwanDive, August 7, 2019
A new leader and 256 balance changes later, Gwent's 3.1 Patch left the game as much as the player base shaken. Team Aretuza's content creators Green…
Update: Glossary
By SwanDive, August 5, 2019
Gwent's latest patch, Update 3.1, has introduced some massive changes to the game, including a small but important rework of Northern Realms, seen as…
Zade joins Team Aretuza!
By SwanDive, July 26, 2019
Team Aretuza is excited to announce another amazing addition to our roster, Zade! Although Zade has only begun streaming this year, he’s already…
Update: Meta Snapshot #9
By SwanDive, July 23, 2019
In our second update of the month, we’ve added five more decks to our Meta Snapshot, including Crach Scorch, Eithné Control, King of Beggars Tributes…