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Leidee Squirrel

Leidee_Squirrel is an American expat living abroad in the UK, with an obsession of video games, floofs, and she claims to be an amateur movie/tv show connoisseur. She has been playing video games ever since she can remember. Ever since her big brother got the very first Playstation, she would watch for hours on how to play different games. Leidee Squirrel studied Social Work in Florida, and she enjoys helping others; Her streams focus around being beginner friendly, and Let's play style. Leidee Squirrel has many years experience with TCG's, having played Hearthstone (Toxic druid Jade player), Magic the Gathering, and also having collected Pokemon cards. She has now been introduced to Gwent, and hasn't stopped playing since. 



Leidee_Squirrel is an American expat living abroad in the UK, with an obsession of video games, floofs, and she claims to be an amateur movie/tv show connoisseur. She has been playing video games ever since she can remember. Ever since her big brother got the very first Playstation, she would watch for hours on how to play different games. Leidee Squirrel studied Social Work in Florida, and she enjoys helping others; Her streams focus around being beginner friendly, and Let's play style. Leidee Squirrel has many years experience with TCG's, having played Hearthstone (Toxic druid Jade player), Magic the Gathering, and also having collected Pokemon cards. She has now been introduced to Gwent, and hasn't stopped playing since.