

"I made GM! Now what?" Read this before you play Pro Ladder! Game Icon

By Apero, June 29, 2018


You just hit Rank 21 and you feel amazing because now you finally get access to Pro Ladder! Congratulations! But… wait… what does that actually mean?…

Tournament Recap - Wild Hunt 2 LAN, Philadelphia Game Icon

By Kochua, June 25, 2018


The second edition of Wild Hunt, the premier North American Gwent LAN tournament, was held on June 16th-17th. I attended WH2 and – after a long,…

Team Aretuza Interview with Adzikov: GWENT Challenger #3… Game Icon

By Team Aretuza, May 11, 2018


Team Aretuza caught up with Andrzej “Adzikov” Bal, one of the most prominent competitive players in GWENT’s short history, following up on his…

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