Articles: Gwent
Gwent Open #6 - Day 1 Winner deck spotlight
By Green Cricket, July 22, 2018
The first day of Gwent Open has passed, and there have been some exciting decks to watch! In this video I've picked one deck of each winner,…
Control Skellige - Gwent in-depth guide with Lockin
By Green Cricket, July 18, 2018
This week I have teamed up with Lockin, the creator of this Control Skellige deck. Abuse Morkvarg's carryover, deny your opponent's key cards, while…
Short Guide - Northern Realms Only Arena Mode
By Slothland, July 17, 2018
The Arena Tier List that we present on our website is based on the normal Arena mode where all the cards from all factions are available. Since the…
Spella'tael - Gwent in-depth guide
By Green Cricket, July 11, 2018
In this week's deck guide we're taking a look at a deck from 2017, which is a ton of fun in 2018 as well: Spella'tael!Throw as many spells on your…
GwenTalk Episode 3 with Vladimir and Freddybabes | Hosted…
By Team Aretuza, July 11, 2018
Episode 3 of GwenTalk featuring CDPR's Esports manager Vladimir and player/streamer FreddyBabes
"I made GM! Now what?" Read this before you play Pro Ladder!
By Apero, June 29, 2018
You just hit Rank 21 and you feel amazing because now you finally get access to Pro Ladder! Congratulations! But… wait… what does that actually mean?…
Tournament Recap - Wild Hunt 2 LAN, Philadelphia
By Kochua, June 25, 2018
The second edition of Wild Hunt, the premier North American Gwent LAN tournament, was held on June 16th-17th. I attended WH2 and – after a long,…
Extreme Metagames and How to Approach Them
By lordgort, June 18, 2018
In competitive Gwent, whenever the cards available change, certain decks will emerge over time as "the best." But what happens when one of those…
Post Gwent Open 5 interview with AndyWand
By Danman233, June 4, 2018
After two weeks, Gwent Open 5 is still fresh in our memories and we decided to provide you with a short tournament recap from the perspective of…
Arena Picker Change Logs – Swap Update
By Slothland, May 23, 2018
The final balance update before “Project Homecoming” has been released and there are several changes to cards with “Create”…
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