

Crimson Curse - An In-depth Analysis of the Expansion (Pt.… Game Icon

By Jamedi, March 30, 2019


Jamedi and Miketocome from Team Nova, competitive players with a long experience playing Gwent and two of the authors of Team Aretuza and Team Nova's…

Crimson Curse: New Leaders, New Deck Guides Game Icon

By BobbyKazoole!, March 30, 2019


The Crimson Curse has finally been uttered! The update is live on all platforms, and players are undoubtedly eager to test out the new leaders, the…

Gwent Open #8 Qualifier Analysis - Pt 1: Preparation Game Icon

By JMJWilson23, February 12, 2019


The online qualifiers for Gwent Open #8 represented a prelude to the first Gwent Masters event of the Homecoming era: Many in the community followed…

Preview: Meta Snapshot #6 Game Icon

By Jamedi, February 7, 2019


After the recent patch at the beginning of the month, the master chefs of Team Aretuza and Team Nova have once again entered the kitchen and are hard…

Pavko Gale - The case of an underrated card Game Icon

By Jamedi, August 13, 2018


Pavko Gale was introduced to Gwent in the Midwinter Update as a tribute to CD Projekt Red’s Community Manager, Pavel Burza. Despite his great…

Meta Snapshot #1 Game Icon

By Team Aretuza, April 26, 2018


This Meta Snapshot, created by Team Aretuza and Team Nova, attempts to establish the best decks to play in Pro Ladder and Ranked Ladder, given the…

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